I've created a new simple book format that lets you build books
with free industry-strength static site builders (such as Jekyll, for example).
The idea is / the step are simple:
1) Add your markdown docs
2) Add a book.yml & contents.yml
3) Pick a Theme
Done. See it in action (still early and rough).
The Jekyll "Manuscript" (source) [1] with its book.yml [2] e.g.
title: "Jekyll Documentation (Book Edition)"
name: "Tom Preston-Werner, Nick Quaranto, Parker Moore, et al"
and contents.yml [3] e.g.
- title: Getting Started
- title: Welcome
path: 01_getting_started/01_index.md
- title: "So what is Jekyll, exactly?"
- title: "Helpful Hints"
- title: Quick-start guide
path: 01_getting_started/02_quickstart.md
- title: Installation
path: 01_getting_started/03_installation.md
that gets linked into the theme via a git submodule (source) [4]
and thanks to GitHub Pages & Jekyll results in a single-page black &
white online book [5].
Question? Comments? Welcome. Cheers.
PS: Interested in more static site builder and markdown (kramdown) news?
Follow the Static Times (@statictimes) [6] news channel.
[1] https://github.com/manuscripts/jekyll
[2] https://github.com/manuscripts/jekyll/blob/master/book.yml
[3] https://github.com/manuscripts/jekyll/blob/master/contents.yml
[4] https://github.com/planetjekyll/book-jekyll
[5] http://planetjekyll.github.io/book-jekyll
[6] https://twitter.com/statictimes