hi Jeff
thanks for sharing this, hadn't bumped into it yet :)
besides trying to define a set of specs for core, it's also a good run-down
of basic rules and practices.
it may help me be more consistent in how I write MD.
there's a typo in "quoted text"
a greater-than symbol <
and I don't agree with "tables as images", that makes very little
sense to me :D
On 11 Nov 2014, at 07:38, Jeff McNeill <jeff at jeffmcneill.com> wrote:
>> As a mere user, I've noticed the same thing. One of the purported
>> benefits of markdown is its portability, i.e., the ability of the user
>> to write in any editor, knowing that he can then load it into any
>> of parsers and get consistent results.
>> But, with all the different flavors out there, one now has to think,
>> "which parser will I use to convert this file?" and insert
>> accordingly. I recently discovered at least four different ways in
>> parsers deal with typographic quotes and dashes, from the original
>> SmartyPants to the Python Markdown implementation of SmartyPants to the
>> Calibre implementation of it to RMarkdown's implementation (not to
>> mention ReStructuredText and Textile, both of which do it differently,
>> yet). So, I have to commit to a given dialect and converter before I
>> begin to type. To me, that's defeating one of the fundamental
>> of markdown.
>> Virgil
> I believe that is why a neutral, ?Bland? Markdown recommendation is needed.
Not as yet another parser or syntax but as something to tell writers and editors
to use, so that their content can be properly processed.
> This is actually not too difficult. http://jeffmcneill.com/bland-markdown
> --
> Jeff McNeill
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