> So that a Markdown editor could scroll to the right content.
Do any such editors exist? It seems to me that the way to approach this
is to build such an editor and offer the feature. If people like it,
other editors may be built to offer the feature as well. If not, it
probably wouldn't take off.
MultiMarkdown (and others) already offer automatic label generation (for
HTML, LaTeX, others) that allow "linking" within the output document.
I'm not aware of any editors that do this (directly) on the raw text
side, but MultiMarkdown Composer (and others) offer the Table of
Contents approach, and Composer allows you to accurately synchronize
scrolling between the HTML and raw text, so internal links can be used
to navigate the document already.
On 10/24/14, 3:46 PM, Sean Leonard wrote:> Hi Markdown folks:
> I wanted to see if people have feelings or opinions about using fragment
> identifiers with Markdown (and Markdown-derivative, such as pandoc,
> kramdown, etc.) content.
> It is useful to say things like
> readme.md#how-to-install
> So that a Markdown editor could scroll to the right content.
> To my mind, the prime candidates for this treatment are the [link
> reference identifiers][lref] and for some formats, the attributed text
> {#blahblah }. Link reference identifiers are part of the original
> Markdown syntax. On the other hand, they don't produce any identifiers
> in HTML/XHTML. Clearly attributed text is useful to identify both
> Markdown and output regions.
> [lref]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#link
> Thanks,
> Sean
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Fletcher T. Penney
fletcher at fletcherpenney.net