Hmmm... have you considered a "magnification view"? I remember seeing
in mobile phones where you can type more precisely with a miniature
magnifying glass.
Got me thinking, it would be nice to have a mode called "markdown
peek" where the current line you are typing is in unformatted
If that seems too much, then restrict the "markdown peek" to a few
words ahead.
This would allow you to have a general overview of the document, and
the ability to modify the document like word, but also the ability to
modify it as if it was markdown. It's kind of like the fusion between
the "markdown panel | html view" you see in many editors.
Main objective would be to allow beginners to it as a typical
wordprocesser, but be able to know what's going on intuitively by
bringing the "markdown peek" cursor over the section they are curious
about. This is similar to the OLPC laptop OS which allows children to
see the code behind each UI interface.
On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Michael <info at>
wrote:> Hello folks,
> I just wanted to share a pet project of mine:
> Marko Editor, a real WYSIWYG Markdown editor.
> I know that a desktop WYSIWYG editor is counter intuitive to the original
> Markdown goals (at least as far as I understand them) but please let me
> explain my reasoning:
> * Although Markdown has an intuitive markup, I guess that for many ordinary
> people (no (web) developers) even this is too much.
> * With all the current privacy issues in the net I wanted a local
> application. (I know one can use JS locally, too)
> * Markdown focusses on content creation (in contrast to layout) and that is
> my goal, too.
> * Markdown files are very versatile:
> * Builtin fallback to text (compared to common rich text formats)
> * Good diff and merge behaviour
> * Good tooling support (publishing in all directions)
> So, for me it was natural to try to combine office like editing with
> Markdown files.
> So, if you like, give it a try, it's free: I would
> glad to get some feedback from you. Thank you.
> Please be aware, that this is the first release, so there might be plenty
> bugs and currently not all of Markdown's features are supported.
> Regards,
> Michael
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