I think this is interesting since I like to use markdown for everything.
What I would like to have in markdown is a way to generate graphviz
graphics right from within markdown. The syntax for graphviz is simple text
and it generates nice diagrams, so it fits well with the way markdown
works. To me having something that is text based is more important than
having a wysiwyg editor.
If you aren't familiar with graphviz see this doc
The main site is at<>
All the best,
Sent from my iPad
On May 10, 2014, at 9:46 PM, Xinran Wang <xinrandom at> wrote:
Hi all,
My thesis project at NYU-ITP is called Markdown Graphics, which is a
Markdown extension, in the form of a web-based editor, that enables users
to create and edit both text and graphics in a single platform. In
addition, Markdown Graphics supports diagram component tagging, allowing
diagram and text to be styled by a single stylesheet. Also, diagrams
created and stored in SVG will be web-publishing-friendly and light-weight.
(It's a prototype, and takes longer to describe it than to try it, so Type "<svg>" in the window and a
good thing
will happen.)
GitHub repo:
Feedback is welcomed. Thanks!
Xinran Wang
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