Greetings! We want you to keep those cards and letters coming. Because we haven''t heard from *you*, we''re extending LUG Abstract submission until Friday this week (March 8th, 2013). For abstract submission, we are using the easychair conference system. The website for LUG 2013 is here: We''re really looking forward to seeing your contribution at this year''s meeting in San Diego! Lustre User Group meeting (LUG)''13 will take place at the Omni Hotel in the Downtown Gaslamp Quarter. LUG Sessions will be held from April 16-18. Be sure to register by March 15, 2013, to take advantage of our early bird registration discount rate of $525. Registration closes on Friday March 22, 2013. We have an interface this year that includes the full agenda, hotel information and a lot more: If you have questions or problems, feel free to mail Stephen Simms (ssimms at, LUG 2013 program chair. Thanks so much for your attention! Sincerely, Stephen Simms LUG 2013 Program Chair ssimms at 812-855-7211