When I shutdown a server running with the o2ib lnd, lnet hangs indefinitely and the system does not shut down. Here''s the error I get - LustreError: 131-3: Received notification of device removal Please shutdown LNET to allow this to proceed It appears as though when the lustre file system is unmounted, the lnet portion is still loaded. This is understandable, however my nodes hang when they go down for a reboot or shutdown because the infiniband kernel modules can''t be unloaded because the ko2iblnd module is still in use. What have people done about this? Is there a way to make lnet unload when the last lustre filesystem unmounts? Do people have in- house init scripts written? I have a modified version of the lustrefs script from 1.4 that runs a "lustre_rmmod" whihc solves my problem however I''m curious to know what others have done. Aaron Knister Associate Systems Analyst Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (301) 595-7000 aaron at iges.org