FYI, for those who were interested in the server-side load generator
On 2006-11-17, at 17:53 , Nathaniel Rutman wrote:
> My load generator is currently a lightweight app that starts low-
> level create/write/destroy threads using the echo client. It tries
> hard to clean up everything nicely when it encounters an error.
> Only requires an OST.
> Other potential designs include using liblustre clients instead
> (these would be much bigger, but might more closely simulate real
> clients.)
> I could probably include both modes as options.
>> <pbojanic> nathan: do you know where to check this in, or do you
>> need to check with product management group first?
>> <nathan> uh, well, right now it''s convenient to put
under lustre/
>> utils/ - anywhere else will require slightly more effort. Maybe
>> lustre/tests would be better though...
>> <pbojanic> nathan: please check with architecture where it should
>> be signed in (arch@)
> Also, I''ve currently named it "megaload" to honor
1000''s of
> clients, but I''m receptive to other names.