A metadata changelog feature will be added in Lustre 2.0. Changelogs
are per-MDD persistent logs that record namespace change events, e.g.
file creation, deletion, rename, mtime changes, etc. Progress can be
followed in bug 15699.
Changelog API
Configuring changelogs - lctl commands:> lctl set_param mdd.*.changelog <on|off>
Enable/disable changelog record keeping
> lctl set_param -n mdd.*.changelog_mask "[[+|-]<event>] ..."
Set or modify the event types that are recorded in the changelog
e.g. > lctl set_param mdd.*.changelog_mask "all -attr -slink -open
> lctl get_param "mdd.*.changelog_mask"
mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask MARK CREAT MKDIR HLINK UNLNK RMDIR
Using changelogs - LFS commands:> lfs diff
Show the metadata changes in a filesystem between two snapshot times.
usage: diff [--follow] <mdtname> [startrec [endrec]]
The --follow flag causes this command to block waiting for new changelog events.
> lfs clear_changelog
clear_changelog: Purge old changelog records up to <endrec> to free up
usage: clear_changelog <mdtname> <endrec>
Data format is ascii text, 1 record per line:
<record_#> <commandtype> <timestamp> t=<target_fid>
p=<parent_fid> <filename>
xen1:/r/cfs/b_hd_changelog/lustre/tests# lfs diff lustre
1 00MARK 4405821883 t=[0x0/0x10001] p=[0x0/0x0] mdd_obd-lustre-MDT0000-0
2 02MKDIR 4405821890 t=[0x100000400/0x5] p=[0x100000400/0x4] pics
3 02MKDIR 4405821892 t=[0x100000400/0x6] p=[0x100000400/0x5] 2008
4 02MKDIR 4405821894 t=[0x100000400/0x7] p=[0x100000400/0x6] zachy
5 01CREAT 4405821898 t=[0x100000400/0x8] p=[0x100000400/0x7] timestamp
6 01CREAT 4405821904 t=[0x100000400/0x9] p=[0x100000400/0x7] pic1.jpg
7 07RNMFM 4405821915 t=[0x100000400/0x7] p=[0x100000400/0x6] zachy
8 08RNMTO 4405821915 t=[0x100000400/0x7] p=[0x100000400/0x5] zach
9 03HLINK 4405821922 t=[0x100000400/0x9] p=[0x100000400/0x6] portland.jpg
10 04SLINK 4405821926 t=[0x100000400/0xa] p=[0x100000400/0x5] desktop.jpg
11 05UNLNK 4405821929 t=[0x100000400/0xa] p=[0x100000400/0x5] desktop.jpg
Record types are:
MARK internal record keeping
CREAT regular file creation
MKDIR directory creation
HLINK hardlink
SLINK softlink
UNLNK regular file removal
RMDIR directory removal
RNMFM rename, original
RNMTO rename, final
OPEN file opened for write
CLOSE file closed for write
IOCTL ioctl on file or dir
TRUNC regular file truncated
ATTR attribute change
XATTR extended attribute change
UNKNW unknown op
Writing your own changelog consumer -- llapi interface:
int llapi_changelog_open(const char *mdtname, long long startrec);
Returns a file descriptor for a read-only file representation of the
changelog, starting from
record <startrec>. The file descriptor can be used with select(2) or
poll(2) to wait for new
int llapi_changelog_clear(const char *mdtname, long long endrec);
Permanently removes old changelog records through <endrec>, freeing up
disk space.