Debian FTP Masters
2012-Jun-30 16:38 UTC
[Logcheck-devel] logcheck_1.3.15_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Accepted: logcheck-database_1.3.15_all.deb to main/l/logcheck/logcheck-database_1.3.15_all.deb logcheck_1.3.15.dsc to main/l/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.15.dsc logcheck_1.3.15.tar.gz to main/l/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.15.tar.gz logcheck_1.3.15_all.deb to main/l/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.15_all.deb logtail_1.3.15_all.deb to main/l/logcheck/logtail_1.3.15_all.deb Changes: logcheck (1.3.15) unstable; urgency=low . [ Hannes von Haugwitz ] * ignore.d.server/dropbear: new - ignore successful logins (closes: #652148) * src/logcheck: - fixed broken '-t' option, thanks to Jon Daley (closes: #647622, LP: #1010431) * debian/control: - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.3 (no changes necessary) - adjusted URLs of Vcs-* fields * debian/copyright: - updated copyright year to 2012 . [ Fr?d?ric Bri?re ] * ignore.d.server/postfix: - ignore "offered null AUTH mechanism list" - ignore "lost connection while receiving the initial server greeting" - fixed "lost connection while sending end of data" rule * ignore.d.server/proftpd: - ignore "authentication failure" even if ruser is provided * ignore.d.server/ssh: - ignore "PAM $n more authentication failures" - ignore "Too many authentication failures" - ignore "Closed due to user request." (closes: #647943) - ignore "Bye Bye" - ignore "Connection closed" - ignore yet one more variation of "invalid user" - updated "Postponed ..." rule with "[preauth]" suffix - updated "Postponed ..." rule with "invalid user" * ignore.d.workstation/libmtp-runtime: - ignore mtp-probe messages when plugging a non-MTP device * ignore.d.workstation/kernel: - ignore "No Caching mode page present" - ignore "usb-storage: Quirks match" - ignore "sensor detected" for various GSPCA webcams - updated FAT messages to new fat_msg() format - updated "new USB device" message to new usb_speed_string() format - updated bttv messages to new prefix Override entries for your package: logcheck-database_1.3.15_all.deb - optional admin logcheck_1.3.15.dsc - source admin logcheck_1.3.15_all.deb - optional admin logtail_1.3.15_all.deb - optional admin Announcing to debian-devel-changes at Closing bugs: 647622 647943 652148 Thank you for your contribution to Debian.