Package: logcheck Version: most current debian (can't come to the box, only get logcheck mails) Hello Thanks a lot for logcheck! After installing "hddtemp" to poll every 5 minutes the disk temperature i got those system events below. Is it possbile to ignore thos as long as ": XX C" evaluates(?) to a value below say "45"? I don't think that the temperature will rise above 99C, as long a the sensor is not broken. If that is not possible, it could be possible to ignore that entirely as there runs a script that checks the temparature too and sent a mail it too. But: Why that duplicate work if the values are (for statisitical purposes) already written. A similar problem occurs with the smartctl. As long as that stayed at value it's OK, but if the number of bad blocks increases above 10 to should give an alarm. Some regex guru here giving help? Thanks. System Events =-=-=-=-=-=-Jul 2 09:05:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hda: IBM-DJNA-351520: 43 C Jul 2 09:05:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hdb: FUJITSU MPG3204AH EF: drive is sleeping Jul 2 09:10:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hda: IBM-DJNA-351520: 43 C Jul 2 09:10:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hdb: FUJITSU MPG3204AH EF: drive is sleeping Jul 2 09:14:18 data smartd[1456]: Device: /dev/hda, 7 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors Jul 2 09:14:21 data smartd[1456]: Device: /dev/hdb, 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors Jul 2 09:15:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hda: IBM-DJNA-351520: 43 C Jul 2 09:15:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hdb: FUJITSU MPG3204AH EF: 36 C Jul 2 09:20:52 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hda: IBM-DJNA-351520: 43 C Jul 2 09:20:52 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hdb: FUJITSU MPG3204AH EF: drive is sleeping Jul 2 09:25:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hda: IBM-DJNA-351520: 43 C Jul 2 09:25:51 data hddtemp[15424]: /dev/hdb: FUJITSU MPG3204AH EF: drive is sleeping