Thank you so know to guide me towards my first step, I'm going through
your suggested step and will let you know if I face any problem. and
last but not least these kinds of quick help/replies really give
motivation to beginners like me towards open-source contribution.
Thanks and regards
Amit Kumar
On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 8:12 AM Armand Behroozi <armandb at>
> Hey Amit,
> EECS583 at Umich also has a homework assignment or two that you could give
a go if you wanted.
> HW2 asks you to extend the loop invariant code motion pass and do frequent
path LICM (hoist almost invariant code).
> Link below.
> It's just another resource.
> Best of luck.
> Regards,
> Armand
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 4:18 PM Stefanos Baziotis via llvm-dev <llvm-dev
at> wrote:
>> Hi Amit,
>> There are the bugs tagged beginner but last time I checked, IMHO, they
were not that "beginner-friendly" after all.
>> The way I would recommend that you start with LLVM is by rewriting a
pass. One thing to note here is that this is not really a contribution (i.e.
>> a commit won't result immediately from that), so if you're only
interested in contributing something with your first try, that won't do it.
>> But a common theme I see among beginners, including myself when I
started, is that when you're obsessed with landing a commit,
>> unavoidably you're going to "hack your way towards it".
That basically means that you'll just gather relatively shallow knowledge,
>> with some breadth, but that limited too, just to commit something.
That's bad and it will probably not serve you in the long run.
>> This is why for example, in courses which use LLVM as a teaching tool,
the assignments don't ask you to do something
>> shallow like that but instead they ask for something that requires some
kind of deep knowledge and thought (which you develop along).
>> To that end, I recommend rewriting a pass (which is btw somewhat common
in courses). Now, that might sound scary but it's not.
>> The _actual_ goal is not to actually rewrite the pass. Neither all of
it, nor at the production level of LLVM. Rewriting
>> the pass is just an "artificial goal" only to have something
to move towards. The _actual_ goal is what you'll learn by moving
>> towards this goal. And what you'll learn will probably be both deep
and broad.
>> You only need to start simple, like "OK, how do I query this
analysis?". Just that, then you try something like "hmm, how can I
inspect / traverse
>> the results of this analysis" etc. (and the good thing is that for
a lot of these first steps, multiple other passes will have done the exact
>> same thing and you should feel free to copy code shamelessly as
you're starting out).
>> After some time doing that, you'll find that you start
understanding the system in some detail and _then_, you'll be equipped to do
actual commits.
>> Now, the question is with which pass to start with? Again, because of
the above, that doesn't really matter, but in any case, it depends on what
you like.
>> For example, if you're interested in loops, I'd start with
LCSSA (and along with it, I'd give a try to the LLVM Loop Terminology). If
you're interested
>> in inter-procedural optimizations, I'd start with Sparse
Conditional Constant Propagation (SCCP).
>> If you have no idea where to start or what you like, you might start
with Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (SROA), just because I saw it
>> in a cool course on UIUC recently and it seems to guide you relatively
well. Here's the link:,
>> it's project 1 (again, don't need to even do the whole thing,
do the parts that motivate you; I mean please don't treat that as an
_actual_ assignment,
>> you probably have enough of those already :) ).
>> So, this got very long, sorry for that, I hope it helps. Please
don't hesitate to reach me for questions.
>> Best,
>> Stefanos
>> Στις Τρί, 15 Δεκ 2020 στις 9:12 μ.μ., ο/η amit kumar via llvm-dev
<llvm-dev at> έγραψε:
>>> Respected Sir/Ma'am,
>>> I'm Amit Kumar, a 3rd-year undergraduate
>>> student in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) from IIIT Nagpur,
>>> I am new to open source only contributed to HactoberFest in the
past 2
>>> years and I came across LLVM through GSoC and interested in
>>> building some new features in the newer version's LLVM and
>>> to the language. I had studied Compiler Design in our courses.
>>> Please help me and show me direction towards starting my journey to
>>> the open-source contribution.
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> Amit Kumar
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