Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira via llvm-dev
2020-Nov-15 15:02 UTC
[llvm-dev] Code size BoF Minutes
Dear LLVMers, concerning a few points of the discussion about code-size reduction (Minutes available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kDsbFDtkWLceR-Y63ez04CBfvhbDN8RxWV3xXwaNUC0/edit?usp=sharing):> Do we need different levels like -Os1, -Os2, -Os3?Together with a colleague, Anderson Faustino, we spend some time finding optimization sequences that are good for code-size reduction. This report gives you 22 such sequences, all short, that tend to improve upon Os or Oz on typical benchmarks: http://lac.dcc.ufmg.br/pubs/TechReports/LaC_TechReport022020.pdf.> What code size benchmarks can we use to measure patches?I'd suggest AnghaBench (http://cuda.dcc.ufmg.br/angha). I've talked about it here before. It's a collection with One Million compilable C programs. That's the collection that we have used to find the optimization sequences in that report. We shall be presenting a paper about it at CGO next February. Kind regards, Fernando