Damien Couroussé via llvm-dev
2016-Dec-16 16:42 UTC
[llvm-dev] Job Ad. CEA Grenoble, France. Research Engineer Position
research engineer, 3 years, CEA, Grenoble, France Computer Science/Electrical Engineering Contact: Damien Couroussé (damien.courousse at cea.fr) A 3-year research engineer position is available at CEA Grenoble. The topic is related to cybersecurity in mobile applications. Further details and requirements are as follows: We are inviting application for a research engineer position at CEA Grenoble, France. The succesful canditate will join the DACLE division (Architecture, IC Design & Embedded Software), in a team where we develop several solutions based on compilers for securing embedded devices. Most of our tools are based on LLVM/clang. A non exhaustive list of research topics covered is accessible here : http://www.cogito-anr.fr/publications.html. The succesful candidate will conduct research on compilation solutions for securing embedded and mobile devices against physical attacks. She/he will contribute to a large european research project devoted to the use of IoT for healthcare applications. The candidates should have a Phd or a Master degree in computer science or electronics, and a strong expertise in at least one of the following topics: cybersecurity, embedded software, compilation. Ability to demonstrate familiarity with these skills is a plus: - software development (architecture, version and configuration management, testing), in particular on embedded devices and mobile devices (Android) - knowledge of the LLVM framework - working in a research environment - working in the context of european collaborative project - dissemination of research results (i.e. writing scientific publications, but not only :)). Responsabilities: - Write tested, well-structured code - Analyse and improve security and efficiency of existing solutions - Perform security and performance analysis and experimental evaluation - Integrate your developments with other projects within the team - Report and communicate internally at CEA, within the project, and outside of the project To apply, please send your detailed CV and a cover letter to damien.courousse at cea.fr. The position is opened until filled, but for full consideration, the application should be received on or before January 8th, 2017. The preferred start date is beginning of 2017. -- Damien Couroussé Research Engineer at CEA-LIST DRT/LIST/DACLE/SCSN/LIALP Laboratoire Infrastructures et Ateliers pour le Logiciel sur Puces Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives MINATEC Campus | 17 rue des Martyrs | 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 Tel : +33 (0)4 38 78 04 66 damien.courousse at cea.fr [Citation aléatoire] Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.