In terms of cost, I thought an LNT instance would exhaust the free database rows
much faster than the free dynos. The price for the small database was only 8
dollars a month though.
> On Aug 12, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Renato Golin <renato.golin at> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Nice setup!
> On 12 August 2014 19:01, Chris Matthews <chris.matthews at>
>> Some of the reasons I think this is a good idea:
>> - you don’t maintain the infrastructure,
>> - this is a much higher reliability setup,
> These are real wins.
>> - it is probably faster,
> As surprised as I am, I have to admit, it really is.
>> - you can scale it indefinitely,
> We may never reach the boundaries of that fallacy, given our usage is
> very limited.
>> The setup I built uses 1 Heroku “dyno” (a unit of compute power) and 1
>> database. This setup falls into the Heroku free category so they are
>> charging me to run it, although real use would push it into the pay
>> categories.
> I wonder how many "free" dynos we could have before they start
> charging us for the "group of 15 units running 15 similar setups from
> the same group".
> Though, currently, we only have a handful of them, so we should be
> fine for the time being.
> I'll follow your steps and if that works, I'll start redirecting my
> bot again to that.
> Thanks for setting this up! This was the last missing action item from
> the last Performance BoF, just in time for the next! :)
> cheers,
> --renato