Hi Lilissun,
VMKit does not implement all sun.misc.Unsafe methods. Looking at your
example, it looks like GNU Classpath (the library that provides java.*
classes) rely on sun.misc.Unsafe.unpark, and that the method must be
implemented by the VM. Implementing them is not trivial and requires a good
understanding of the threading library in VMKit, but I will be happy to help
if you want to take a look at it.
On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Lilissun Li <lilissun at gmail.com>
> Hi!
> I build VMKit and run some programs successfully. But when
> using java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock and
> I catch a Throwable :
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> sun.misc.Unsafe.unpark(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
> after using the function :
> void java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition.await()
> My test program is as follows:
> *import* *java.lang*.*;
> *import* *java.util.Map*;
> *import* *java.io*.*;
> *import* java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
> *class* BoundedBuffer {
> Lock lock;
> Condition notFull;
> Condition notEmpty;
> *final* Object[] items = *new* Object[100];
> *int* putptr, takeptr, count;
> *public* BoundedBuffer(*int* init_count)
> {
> lock = *new* ReentrantLock();
> notFull = lock.newCondition();
> notEmpty = lock.newCondition();
> count = init_count;
> putptr = takeptr = 0;
> }
> *public* *void* put(Object x) *throws* InterruptedException {
> lock.lock();
> *try* {
> *while* (count == items.length)
> notFull.await();
> items[putptr] = x;
> *if* (++putptr == items.length)
> putptr = 0;
> ++count;
> notEmpty.signal();
> } *finally* {
> lock.unlock();
> }
> }
> *public* Object take() *throws* InterruptedException {
> Object x = *null*;
> lock.lock();
> *try* {
> *while* (count == 0)
> notEmpty.await();
> x = items[takeptr];
> *if* (++takeptr == items.length)
> takeptr = 0;
> --count;
> notFull.signal();
> } *catch* (Throwable t){
> System.*out*.println("BoundedBuffer.catch
" +
> t.toString());
> } *finally* {
> lock.unlock();
> }
> *return* x;
> }
> *public* *static* *void* main(String[] args)
> {
> BoundedBuffer buffer = *new* BoundedBuffer(0);
> buffer.take();
> *return* ;
> }
> }
> Can anyone please tell me why the error?
> Thanks!
> Li Li
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