Henrik Bach
2004-Sep-16 08:47 UTC
[LLVMdev] HowToUseJIT.cpp - file: 'llvm/ADT/iterator': No suchfile or directory
>From: Paolo Invernizzi <arathorn at fastwebnet.it> >Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:20:39 +0200 > >I'm using scons to generate that files from .in files. I implemented in it >the configure check regarding iterators, hash and so on... >something like: >Hey, you've found the tool that makes it possible to generically reading Makefiles... Cool - The tool I've requested...>scons: Reading SConscript files ... >Checking for C++ header file windows.h... yes >Checking for C++ type std::hash_map<int, int>... no >Checking for C++ type std::hash_map<int, int>... yes >Checking for C++ type std::hash_set<int>... no >Checking for C++ type std::hash_set<int>... yes >Checking for C++ type std::iterator<int,int,int>... yes >Checking for C++ type std::bidirectional_iterator<int,int>... yes >Checking for C++ type std::forward_iterator<int,int>... yes >Checking for isnan(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for isnan(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for std::isnan(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for _isnan(0.0) in C++ library None... yes >Checking for isinf(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for isinf(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for std::isinf(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for finite(0.0) in C++ library None... no >Checking for _finite(0.0) in C++ library None... yes >scons: done reading SConscript files. >scons: Building targets ... >cl /nologo /TP /EHsc /GR /D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS /ISTLport-4.6.2\stlport >/Illvm\include /Iinclude /Ibuild_vc71\include /c >build_vc71\lib\Target\X86\X86TargetMachine.cpp /Fobuild_vc71 >\lib\Target\X86\X86TargetMachine.obj > ><big snip> > >as you can see I was working on nan and isinf, that in VC are _isnan and >_finite ... so expect a little patches for them ;-) >Right now is in a very early stage, but I'll post to you when is a little >more *mumble* presentable.:) I did hear you...>Scons requires only python.No problem... But, I would still like to see, if code will compile with vc6... shouldn't STLport take care of that? /Henrik _________________________________________________________________ Opret en gratis Hotmail-konto http://www.hotmail.com med udsigt til 250 MB lagerkapacitet
Paolo Invernizzi
2004-Sep-16 09:18 UTC
[LLVMdev] HowToUseJIT.cpp - file: 'llvm/ADT/iterator': No suchfile or directory
On Sep 16, 2004, at 10:47 AM, Henrik Bach wrote:> > Hey, you've found the tool that makes it possible to generically > reading Makefiles... Cool - The tool I've requested...Well, There's no relation between makefiles and configure scripts on one side and scons files on the other, apart that I'm writing the scons files manually reading the llvm make files...> But, I would still like to see, if code will compile with vc6... > shouldn't STLport take care of that?If VC6 is not doing something wrong with templates... ;-/ Well, the same scons file can also build a VC6 variant side by side with vc7.1, but I've no access to VC6 here. When the scons file sill be ready I'll post to you for a try. --- Paolo Invernizzi
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