* I sent this to the guy doing the Securing RH 5.x online book, but this
is not RedHat specific, should be good for all Linux'es (?). I haven't
seen anything on here about this, so my apologies if maybe I missed it.
>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 08:37:27 -0400
>From: Alan Spicer <aspicer@ebiznet.com>
>Organization: Electronic Business Network
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
>To: aspicer@ebiznet.com
>Subject: ipfwadm configuration utility
>http://www.redhat.com:8080/HyperNews/get/khg/55/3/1.html The HyperNews
>Linux KHG Discussion Pages
> ipfwadm configuration utility
> Forum: The Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide
> Re: Can you block or ignore ICMP packets?
> Re: Using ipfwadm (Charles Barrasso)
> Keywords: IPFWADM
> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:44:31 GMT
> From: Sonny Parlin<sonny@ejj.net>
> *FREE SOFTWARE* I have written an ipfwadm GUI configuration
>utility. It's GUI via Netscape... it creates a shell script to be used
as a
>firewall based on the criteria you choose during the configuration. It can
>also install the firewall rules, uninstall them, check firewall status, and
>watch network traffic from the masqueraded connections. If anyone is
>interested in this, Check out:
>http://www.ejj.net/~sonny/fwconfig/fwconfig.html Sonny
> to: "ipfwadm configuration utility"