>Their is a buffer overrun in /bin/login which has the potential to
>allow any user of your system to gain root access. util-linux-2.5-29
>contains a fix for this and is available for Red Hat Linux 4.0 on
>all four platforms. We strongly recommend that all of Red Hat 4.0
>usres apply this fix.
Does this bug affect the ''login'' that is distributed
with shadow password suite (960129 is my version)?
Could someone explain the problem, and how to fix it if so.
[Mod: Please refere to message posted to linux-security on Mon, 23 Dec 1996
under subject ''Buffer overflow in Linux''s login
program'' -- alex]
From mail@mail.redhat.com mail2.redhat.com dutecai.et.tudelft.nl by
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From: Hynek Med <xmedh02@manes.vse.cz>
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To: linux-security@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [linux-security] BoS: hmm..seen this one?
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> Intel:
> rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.redhat.com/updates/4.0/i386/util-linux-2.5-29.i386.rpm
> Alpha:
> rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.redhat.com/updates/4.0/axp/util-linux-2.5-29.axp.rpm
> rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.redhat.com/updates/4.0/sparc/util-linux-2.5-29.sparc.rpm
> All of these packages have been signed with Red Hat''s PGP key.
But when you do this, don''t forget to upgrade your pam to pam-0.50-22,
otherwise you run into problems - you won''t be able to login (thank God
ssh worked). I think util-linux should have this dependence on
pam-0.50-22 or higher..
Hynek Med, xmedh02@manes.vse.cz
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Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 14:48:13 -0500 (EST)
From: Matt <panzer@dhp.com>
Approved: R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl
To: Christopher Hicks <chicks@chicks.net>
cc: linux-security@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [linux-security] Re: logwatching
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On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Christopher Hicks wrote:> What''s wrong with swatch 2.2?
2.2 changed how it handled signals, in such a way as to not work on linux.
-Matt (panzer@dhp.com) -- DataHaven Project - http://www.dhp.com/
"That which can never be enforced should not be prohibited."