Linux Ethernet Bridging - Mar 2020

Friday March 27 2020
9:21AM 2 [Bridge] [RFC net-next v4 8/9] bridge: mrp: Integrate MRP into the bridge
9:21AM 2 [Bridge] [RFC net-next v4 7/9] bridge: mrp: Connect MRP api with the switchev API
9:21AM 2 [Bridge] [RFC net-next v4 4/9] bridge: mrp: Implement netlink interface to configure MRP
9:21AM 11 [Bridge] [RFC net-next v4 0/9] net: bridge: mrp: Add support for Media Redundancy Protocol(MRP)
Tuesday March 24 2020
9:01PM 0 [Bridge] Fwd: [Mcast-wifi] Issues with MLD and Android powersaving / sleep mode...
8:03PM 0 [Bridge] Fwd: Re: [pim] IGMPv3/MLDv2 implementation and deployment survey
Friday March 20 2020
11:23AM 0 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next 1/2] net: bridge: vlan options: nest the tunnel id into a tunnel info attribute
11:23AM 3 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next 0/2] net: bridge: vlan options: nest the tunnel options
Thursday March 19 2020
10:14AM 1 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next v2] net: bridge: vlan: include stats in dumps if requested
Wednesday March 18 2020
11:42PM 1 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next] net: bridge: vlan: include stats in dumps if requested
1:03PM 1 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next] net: bridge: vlan: include stats in dumps if requested
Tuesday March 17 2020
12:08PM 5 [Bridge] [PATCH net-next 0/4] net: bridge: vlan options: add support for tunnel mapping
Wednesday March 11 2020
4:51AM 0 [PATCH -next 000/491] treewide: use fallthrough;
Monday March 2 2020
12:23PM 1 [Bridge] [PATCH][next] netfilter: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member