You normally should not assign an IP address (or dhcp) to the member
interfaces, only the bridge interface.
Sibu Thomas Mathew wrote:>
> Sir,
> I shared internet on a LAN using my machine. It has got two ethernet
> cards. I installed Ubuntu 8.04. I did the bridging using
> "bridge-utils". Even though it turned out to be successful, I
> across certain other problems:
> 1) I couldn't use the internet using my machine.
> 2) After every restart, I had to redo the whole bridging configuration.
> This is how i configured.
> The two ethernet cards are eth0 and eth1. eth1 is the one connected to
> the internet. This is what I typed:
> brctl addbr br0
> brctl addif br0 eth0
> brctl addif br0 eth1
> ifconfig br0 up
> Then i edited the /etc/network/interfaces as follows:
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> auto eth1
> iface eth1 inet dhcp
> auto br0
> iface br0 inet dhcp
> After that i restarted the service by typing
> /etc/init.d/networking restart
> The bridging worked. The client machine could access the internet
> except mine i.e. the server. Where did I go wrong? What can I do to
> solve this.
> Looking forward for a solution.
> Thanking you.
> Yours sincerely,
> Sibu Thomas Mathew
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