On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 2:05 PM Adam Barnett <adambarnett52 at gmail.com>
> Hi All,
> We are using Centos 7.4, sssd for auth ( linked to AD)
> We are finding that people are logging in user the ( for want of a better
> word ) email address ( username at domain) instead of just their username.
> This is causing some issues with some of our tools that now gets the wrong
> $USER variable. Is there a way to stop people entering the special
> character i.e @ which would then stop people using their email address
If there is a way to accomplish that, it’s likely not the job of the
display manager. Have you seen this sssd document? You may be able to limit
the accepted formats using the re_expression parameter:
The other thing I’ve done in some other directory clients is to explicitly
set a filter for the LDAP user attribute that is matched for the specified
username. Not intimately familiar with either side of your tech (sssd or
AD) but that is an option in some cases.
Darren Spruell
phatbuckett at gmail.com
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