The only thing you should have to do is run 'lightdm'.
You can look for errors in /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log and shown on the
command line.
On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 at 09:11 Catonano <catonano at> wrote:
> Hello
> I'd like to try to write a system service for GuixSD for lightdm
> Currently Guix is using SLIM
> I'm not an expert, I don't now what I'm doing and yet I'd
like to try
> anyway
> The step no. 0 for me is being able to launch Lightdm manually
> I prepared a virtual machine that has a bunch of services for running a
> desktop
> I copied them from the Gnome session that is currently being used by SLIM
> screen-locker, udisks, upower, polkit, geoclue, dbus, colord and some more
> In such virtual machine I attempted to launch Lightdm manually but I failed
> Nothing happened
> How am I supposed to launch it ? With which command line ?
> Thanks in advance
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