Hi all, i am using debian stretch lightdm an gtk greeter from current packages. I have developed a pam authentication module that provide some kind of other factors auth... so i have pam_unix and pam_mymodule required in pam.d conf file. The first attempt to login is ok (prompt for password and ask a question) but if the answer to question is nok, i get no other question displayed in info_bar after passord prompt. I would like lightdm-gtk-greeter to sends/prompts me all messages from pam module in the info_bar widget of gtk-greeter. But as far as i dig the code, i cant see why this is not happening. this is probably somewhere in "process_prompts" function as the comment syas, since i can see that all conv messages enter the set_message_label function..!! BTW: If i just use pam_unix i have some kind of the same problem (invalid password in info_bar is only displayed the first time, not on every failed attempts.) I know this is related to gtk-greeter and not lightdm, any help will be appreciated Best regards,