Kynn Jones
2016-Jan-18 15:15 UTC
[LightDM] How to give desktop-initiated apps same environment as is specified in shell init files?
The subject line pretty much says it all. I have found online an assortment of hacks for doing this sort of thing, but they are, well, hacks. IOW, they have little to do with the DM's API. Since according to [this StackOverflow answer]( the question I'm asking here is one that "dates back to the first `xdm' Xsession scripts", I am hoping that by now there are at least some more or less "standard" approaches to this problem, if not by design then at least by "tradition". FWIW, I have found a *totally unmaintainable and non-portable* hack of my own. It consists of an ~/.xsession script that ends with the line exec "$SHELL" -lc "exec $STARTUP" The lines before this last line are all about setting the STARTUP variable. They consist of snippets cannibalized verbatim from various /etc/X11/Xsession* scripts (this is what makes the ~/.xsession script unmaintanable and non-portable). I show the full ~/.xsession script below, for the sake of clarity and explicitness. Even though it is *completely unsound*, at least it has the virtue of spelling out unambiguously what my ultimate goal is. Also FWIW, my distro is Debian (8.2 jessie). Thanks in advance! kj WARNING: I DO NOT recommend the ~/.xsession script below; it is very specific to one particular state of one particular machine; please do not use it! #!/bin/sh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from /etc/X11/Xsession OPTIONFILE=/etc/X11/Xsession.options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20x11-common_process-args OPTIONS=$(cat "$OPTIONFILE") || true has_option() { if [ "${OPTIONS#* $1}" != "$OPTIONS" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup if [ -x /usr/bin/x-session-manager ]; then STARTUP=x-session-manager elif [ -x /usr/bin/x-window-manager ]; then STARTUP=x-window-manager elif [ -x /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator ]; then STARTUP=x-terminal-emulator fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch STARTDBUSDBUSLAUNCH=/usr/bin/dbus-launch if has_option use-session-dbus; then if [ -x "$DBUSLAUNCH" ]; then STARTDBUS=yes fi fi if [ -n "$STARTDBUS" ]; then STARTUP="$DBUSLAUNCH --exit-with-session $STARTUP" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ exec "$SHELL" -lc "exec $STARTUP"