Hi Sameer,
The keyboard is not controlled by LightDM - it is controlled the greeter
(i.e. the graphical login screen). You will need to check what greeter you
are using and file the bug against that.
On 7 November 2014 13:48, Sameer Jubeh <sameer.jubeh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I found a bug but I'm not sure if it's there on the upstream or is
it of
> the antergos team doing so I'll be sending them the same email as well.
> I didn't know where to report the bug so....
> ok,
> When I first installed the system I logged in without any problem, but
> after setting up my desktop and rebooting, lightdm wouldn't accept my
> password.
> Hold on I'm not done yet :)
> I troubleshooted the issue and managed to get to the bottom of the problem.
> As an Arab, I use both Arabic and English keyboard layouts, and after
> doing so, the problem appears. it turned out that lightdm would use the
> Arabic layout as a default, Even though in gnome it's set as a
> layout.
> I changed the order of layouts and voila lightdm works like a charm.
> now either lightdm should get a keyboard layout switcher; or it need to
> read the keyboard layout correctly.
> keep up the good work,
> thanks
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