hi guys I have a kvm quest & two nodes. a kvm guest on nodeA and IPaddr2 on nodeB(at this time) nodeA & nodeB comprise a HA cluster now... - nodeA can ping IPaddr2 IP - nodeB can ping kvm guest IP - kvm guest can get to nodeB's IP but* Only a bit non-common bit in my setup is: - both nodeA & nodeB be interfaces which are relevant to the subnet on which it operates are NetworkManger bridges put on top of NM team devices, like: ifaceSlaveA + ifaceSlaveB = teamInt = bridgeInt But maybe it's common, maybe many do that(?) And it seems that that "bridge ontop of nm-team" is doing something not... well, not doing something(?) *but - If I do not nmcli c d & nmcli c u on that nm-bridge before I start kvm guest then all nodes, except for the host to the guest, cannot get to kvm-guest's IP which is on the hosts' bridge network. I did that and then... I reboot kvm guest and.. again cannot ping between kvm guest and other nodes. bit tricky, how would you trouble shoot it? Where to start? many thanks, L.