On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 08:31:02AM +0200, Martin Kletzander
wrote:> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 09:50:04PM +0100, Mark Clarkson wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I noticed that libvirt-lxc will be deprecated for RedHat:
> >
> >"Future development on the Linux containers framework is now based
> >the docker command-line interface. libvirt-lxc tooling may be removed
> >in a future release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (including Red Hat
> >Enterprise Linux 7) and should not be relied upon for developing
> >custom container management applications." -
> >https://access.redhat.com/articles/1365153
> >
> >And CentOS:
> >
> >"further deprecated packages: libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc,
> >libvirt-daemon-lxc and libvirt-login-shell " -
> >http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7
> >
> >And LXC support from linuxcontainers.org is poor for RedHat/CentOS:
> >
> >"... Also Cgmanager which is currently not available on CentOS 7.
> >cannot support unprivileged containers and thus LXD. Systemd based
> >containers need at least LXC 1.1, lxcfs and related dependencies that
> >are not available on CentOS. ... For a stable, seamless and smooth
> >experience we suggest either Debian Wheezy with Flockport packages or
> >Ubuntu Trusty. ..." -
> >https://www.flockport.com/lxc-and-lxd-support-across-distributions/
> >
> >It seems that the only way for me to use LXC containers on
> >CentOS/RedHat is to use Docker, which I am not particularly happy
> >about since, as I understand it, Docker and
> >libvirt-lxc/linuxcontainers.org-lxc are for different use cases, with
> >their own pros and cons, for example:
> >"Why use LXD? ... Full operating system functionality within
> >containers, not just single processes ..." -
> >http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/lxd
> >
> >There are many uses for full containers within build, server
> >management, testing, etc. where quickly creating containers that look,
> >'feel' and act just like real servers is beneficial, and far
> >(in many ways) and more versatile than fully virtualised machines or
> >docker containers.
> >
> >I have just discovered libvirt-lxc and found that it works well on
> >both Ubuntu and RedHat, and is designed to be integrated into tooling,
> >which is exactly what I need.
> >
> >I considered Runc before libvirt, but libvirt is so versatile,
> >allowing me to use other technologies such as qemu/kvm, and with its
> >rich API, that I would prefer to use libvirt - it would allow me the
> >most options for change in the future and seemed like a
> >until I saw the deprecation announcement.
> >
> >Will libvirt-lxc be dropped from libvirt?
> >
> The fact that it's deprecated in some distributions doesn't mean
> dropping it. LXC driver is still being developed upstream, and to be
> honest, I don't know what _exactly_ deprecated means on CentOS. Maybe
> they won't let you create BZs for LXC driver issues. But if you want
> to use it, nobody is telling you you cannot. And if you don't need
> super-stable downstream release, you can always grab the latest rpm
> from ftp://libvirt.org ;-)
Just as an addendum, the said RPMs should be available in standard
Fedora repositories, too. Not to mention, one could file issues in the
upstream libvirt bug tracker.