2013-Aug-09 13:44 UTC
[libvirt-users] Hyper-V driver API version support
Hello The "version" function is not supported by the hyperv driver: $ virsh --connect=hyperv://hypervhost version Compiled against library: libvirt 1.1.1 Using library: libvirt 1.1.1 Using API: Hyper-V 1.1.1 error: failed to get the hypervisor version error: this function is not supported by the connection driver: virConnectGetVersion But we need this funtion for the "external/libvirt" stonith plugin of clusterglue: $ cat /usr/lib/stonith/plugins/libvirt | more # get status of stonith device (*NOT* of the domain). # If we can retrieve some info from the hypervisor # the stonith device is OK. libvirt_status() { out=$($VIRSH -c $hypervisor_uri version 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ] then out=`echo "$out" | tail -1` notice "$hypervisor_uri: $out" return 0 fi err "Failed to get status for $hypervisor_uri" err "$out" return 1 } So, we can't implement libvirt stonith with hyperv support in our corosync/pacemaker cluster. Is it possible to implement the "version" function for hyperv into virConnectGetVersion? Or exist any workaround for this problem? Regards Rocco