Hello, We have tested L7-filter + IPP2P on a P4 3.0Ghz HyperThreading with 3Gb of ram. The system is running debian etch with 2.6.22 vanilla kernel and setuped as transparent bridge. Filters are applied on POSTROUTING chain in "mangle" table using iptables physical ethernet module. With this config we can filter up to: 30Mbits download 25Mbits upload 500-600 Users CPU system usage was arround 70% with 0,1 - 0,3 load Opened conntrack was about 76000 This system filter P2P , VoIP (sip+skype), Web, Ftp, Icmp, Ssh, Ack/Syn,Dns, Smtp P2P connection are limited to 4096 per source IP using "connlimit" iptables module Do someone could give me his opinion about these performances ... Is quite good ? CPU consume too much ? It''s difficult to find data to compare. Regards