I''m testing tc and htb.
In my test prio doesn''t act like doc (htb manual) explains.
In particular I set 3 subclass htb each having rate 33Mbit, ceil 100Mbit. I
also set a class having 100Mbit like parent of these 3 subclasses.
If only 2 classes use bandwidth I note that total bandwidth is equally shared
between these (and it''s right). If I set different priority of these
and run the same test, transfer rate doesn''t change: classes use about
same bandwidth (it''s wrong, I think).
Because of the manual explains that if classes prio is the same, excess
bandwidth is distributed according to rate ratios, I change rate of 3
subclasses in this way:
class A: 70 Mbit
class B: 20 Mbit
class C: 10 Mbit
one again, if B doesn''t use his bandwidth, A and C use the same rate
according to their rates!)
Is this a configuration problem?
Also, when I set tc rules I get: "quantum of class xxxx is big. Consider
Thanks to all,
Dott. Fabio Marcone
2T srl
Telefono +39 - 0871- 540154
Fax +39 - 0871- 571594
Email fabio.marcone@duet.it
Indirizzo Viale B. Croce 573
66013 Chieti Scalo (CH)
GNU/Linux registered user #400424