ngo giang
2005-Jan-04 07:29 UTC
How to manage relatively internet bandwidth while don''t know specific input internet bandwidth ?
Hello, My organization has a LAN network and the LAN is connected to internet by a Cisco router. internet -------| Cisco router |------ LAN (The cisco router can not be replaced by a linux router, I think, because the LAN has more than 1000 computers.) LAN network is divided into some sub networks. I have to relatively manage internet bandwidth (between applications and between computers ) at these sub-networks using linux router . internet | ------------> bandwidth here is known. cisco router / | \ .... ............................ / | \ ----------------> I don''t know internet bandwidth of each sub network linux linux ...... router router / | sub sub ..... network network ..... My problem is I don''t know the internet bandwidth of each sub network. Can you give me some suggestion about schemes I can use in a linux router (what qdisc, ... ). Thank in advance, nhgiang --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
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