Patrick Coleman wrote:> How can I provide some services, but no internet access to untrusted hosts,
yet still allow trusted
> clients on wireless to access the internet (clearly I cant simply firewall
off the access point)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Patrick
Why not? That''s exactly what I do at work.
The work setup is a linux box with 2 NICs; eth0 internal NW and eth1
external. DNAT. The firewall script reads /etc/firewall/ACL which
contains the IPs of the machines allowed internet access. More
specifically, ACL contains:;tcp;1024:65535;-m mport
Note that I chose semicolon as a delimiter because it was the first
thing I thought of that would work. I have as many of those 4-line
entries as there are allowed computers. Most have a much more limited
first line --dport list than I show here because they don''t need all
those services.
Then the applicable part of the iptables script:
# Access control:
if [ -f /etc/firewall/ACL ]; then
while read FWD ; do
IP=`echo "$FWD" | cut -d '';'' -f 1`
PROTO=`echo "$FWD" | cut -d '';'' -f 2`
SPORT=`echo "$FWD" | cut -d '';'' -f 3`
PLURAL=`echo "$FWD" | cut -d '';'' -f 4` # either
"--dport" or "-m
mport --dports"
DPORT=`echo "$FWD" | cut -d '';'' -f 5 | cut -d
''#'' -f 1`
iptables -A FORWARD -i $IFI -o $IFE -s $IP -p $PROTO --sport $SPORT
done </etc/firewall/ACL
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
The DPORT line allows "inline" comments at the end of any line. $IFE
and $IFI should be self explanatory. Everything on the FORWARD chain
that is not specifically allowed is denied (DROPped).
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