Hi Martin,
The scenario I am working on is the second one - there is one internal
network and two ISPs.
How can I do fwmark based on the outgoing interface? Remember that there
is just one physical WAN interface, with two IP addresses. Is it
possible to fwmark somehow based on the routing decision?
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin A. Brown [mailto:mabrown-lartc@securepipe.com]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 12:00 AM
To: Aron Brand
Cc: lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl
Subject: Re: [LARTC] RE: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #1564 - 6 msgs
: If I understand whay you are suggesting, there is a problem in your
: design: It will only work if you use Hide NAT.
...and multiple public IPs.
: The problem is that the ip_src == IP0 rule is wrong: The ip_src is
: changed by the router and it is not equal to the IP of any of the
: machine interfaces.
OK--maybe the ''ip_src == IP0'' rule is not applicable to your
but that doesn''t make it wrong. You describe a different network
configuration than I was envisioning based on Gordan''s description.
: Can you think of a solution that will work in the following
: scenario:
I can try!
: Lets say I have two T1 internet connections connected to one ethernet
: interface. I do not use Hide-NAT. I want to guarantee at least
: to HTTP traffic on each line (separately) in the ''virtual
: method that you mentioned.
Are you pushing different networks across each T1? If you have
Network-A from ISP-A and Network-B from ISP-B, then you have different
addresses to use in your configuration.
See an untested configuration with some fabricated addresses and
netmasks below.
#define NETA
#define NETAMASK 28
#define NETB
#define NETBMASK 27
dev eth0 {
egress {
class ( <$neta> ) if ip_src:NETAMASK == NETA/NETAMASK ;
class ( <$netb> ) if ip_src:NETBMASK == NETB/NETBMASK ;
htb () {
$neta = class ( rate 512kbps, ceil 512kbps ) ;
$netb = class ( rate 512kbps, ceil 512kbps ) ;
I would think this should provide a skeleton configuration for limiting
outbound (transmitted) traffic originating from separate IP networks on
the same host.
: I see no way do do this unless I can attach a qdisc to a specific
: virtual interface.
If you are using a single IP network and you have two different
providers (you''re using BGP or similar), then you could consider
the packets
(fwmark) based on outgoing interface, and perform traffic control based
on this mechanism.
These are just some thoughts based on how I interpret your description
of your network.
Good luck,
Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- mabrown@securepipe.com
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