Here is another try .... i havent tried on deeper trees, but it should work.... enjoy ============OUTPUT=================================================================[root@qos tcng]# tc class show dev eth1 | ./ -f idparent +-class htb 2:1 root rate 125000bps ceil 125000bps burst 2849b cburst 2849b +-htb 2:2 parent 2:1 | +-htb 2:3 parent 2:2 | | +-htb 2:4 parent 2:3 | | +-htb 2:4 parent 2:3 | +-htb 2:3 parent 2:2 +-htb 2:2 parent 2:1 +-htb 2:3 parent 2:2 +-htb 2:3 parent 2:2 [root@qos tcng]# tc class show dev eth1 | ./ -f pure +-htb 2:1 +-htb 2:2 | +-htb 2:3 | | +-htb 2:4 | | +-htb 2:4 | +-htb 2:3 +-htb 2:2 +-htb 2:3 +-htb 2:3 ============================SCRIPT=====================================================#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw(%o); use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; getopts(''f:'',\%o); my %pos;#for storing class positions #used to cut unnececary vertical bars #too much effort for being beautiful :") my %child; open FILE, ''-'' or die ''hmmm... : $!''; my @in = <FILE>; close FILE; #formats - pure, bitps, rate, idparent sub cformat { my ($line, $formats) = @_; my $res; for my $f (split /-/, $formats) { $line =~ s/class (\w+? \d+:\d+).+$/$1/ if $f eq ''pure''; $line =~ s/^.+(rate \d+\w+).+$/$1/ if $f eq ''rate''; $line =~ s!(\d+)bps!($1*8).''bs''!eg if $f eq ''bitps''; $line =~ s/class (.+parent \d+:\d+).+$/$1/ if $f eq ''idparent''; }; return $line } #which is the nearest parent in this column in the rows before me sub nearestInCol { my ($row, $col) = shift; #if u think u can make it harder do it :") my ($v) = sort { $pos{$_}{$b} <=> $pos{$_}{$b} } grep { $pos{$_}{row} < $row && $pos{$_}{col} == $col } keys %pos; return $v } #ascii-art sub art { my ($cls,$row) = @_; my $tab; for my $c (0 .. $pos{$cls}{col}) { my $nearest = &nearestInCol($row,$c); SWITCH: { if ($c > ($pos{$cls}{col})-1) { $tab .= ''+-''; last SWITCH}; #dont even ask me what this is doing ... !!! if (#ok if nearest parent on this column doesnt have more childs below us cut it $c == $pos{$nearest}{col} || $row > $child{$nearest} ) { $tab .= '' ''; last SWITCH}; $tab .= ''| '' } } return $tab } #build class position table my ($prevParent, $prevClassID); my $c = 0;#column for my $r ( 1 .. $#in ) { my ($classID, $parent) = $in[$r] =~ /class\D+(\d+:\d+)\D+parent\D+(\d+:\d+)/; unless ($parent eq $prevParent) { unless ($parent ne $prevClassID) { $c++ } else {$c = $pos{$parent}{col}+1} }; $pos{$classID}{col} = $c; $pos{$classID}{row} = $r; $prevParent = $parent; $prevClassID = $classID; $child{$parent} = $r; }; #print the tree my $row = 0; for my $cls (sort {$pos{$a}{row} <=> $pos{$b}{row}} keys %pos) { my $tab = art($cls,$row); print $tab.(cformat($in[$pos{$cls}{col}],$o{f})); $row++ }; _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO: