On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 02:51:04PM +0530, Sumit Pandya
wrote:> Hi,
> Bert, I''s replied by only you for my problem under subject
"Two u32
> problems: module count and fw" in LARTC
> List(http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc). But I think you felt
> bad from the way I responced and you stopped communication. Here by this
> mail I apologies for any unwanted mistakes and request you to go through
> thread of mentioned subject in arcieves "2001q4".
> So don''t you feel that is seems like some bug, and it must no
longer exist
> in our favriote Linux. What is ''exploit script''? I can
post that if in
> addition of those mentioned commands sequence, you require that script.
Well - if you find a problem, you should make it easy to reproduce for
others, so they can help.
See: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
And: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
That''s what an exploit script does - it shows anybody the problem.
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