I get this error:
KLIBCCC usr/kinit/resume.o
usr/kinit/resume.c:15:66: linux/config.h: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [usr/kinit/resume.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [klibc] Error 2
There is no linux/config.h in the kernel tree. All that are seen are:
frw-r--r-- 1356 2006-12-11.13:32:53 fs/dlm/config.h
frw------- 0 2007-02-03.18:06:47 include/config/x86/find/smp/config.h
frw-r--r-- 3095 2006-12-11.13:32:53 net/tipc/config.h
I looked at usr/kinit/resume.c and see these lines:
<linux/config.h> /* For CONFIG_PM_STD_PARTITION */
#include "kinit.h"
#include "do_mounts.h"
Since the comment suggests that the only reason for including linux/config.h
is to get the CONFIG_PM_STD_PARTITION symbol _and_ because it actually tests
to see if CONFIG_PM_STD_PARTITION is defined, I decided to comment out that
include. The build then completes.
FYI, the following kernel files have CONFIG_PM_STD_PARTITION in them:
frw-r--r-- 4750 2006-12-11.13:32:53 Documentation/power/swsusp-dmcrypt.txt
frw-r--r-- 41112 2006-12-11.13:32:53 arch/powerpc/configs/pmac32_defconfig
frw-r--r-- 36997 2006-12-11.13:32:53 arch/ppc/configs/prep_defconfig
frw-r--r-- 33920 2006-12-11.13:32:53 arch/x86_64/defconfig
frw-r--r-- 9021 2006-12-11.13:32:53 kernel/power/disk.c
| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |