mark larios wrote:> If you''re willing to dive a bit into the source code, you can have
> in your Instiki using jsMath:
> <>.
Very handy, thanks Mark.
> Is there any interest in making this a permanent feature of Instiki,
> perhaps being able to turn it on and off on a page by page basis and
> modifying how jsMath gets called through in Edit Web?
With my ongoing bookmark project work, I''ve been thinking quite a bit
about how to enable easy integration of new (and possibly optional)
features. This is a great practical example to fuel that line of
thinking, much simpler than Annote, in that integration is enabled
via additions to the layout -- no controllers or wiki syntax
extensions required.
I''ll add this to my next round of brainstorming on instiki add-ons
and probably use it as an example case...
-- John