I have the same intention, having a wiki, in this case Instiki, as part
of my rails app. I didnt start this yet, but when I will, I would have a
look at Rails Engines. Might be a good start for you as well.
Mauro Cicio wrote:
>hello. i would like to have part of my personal wesite to be a wiki.
>i am trying to understand which one is the "best practice" to
achieve that.
>at the moment i have hacked instiki a little so that i can use
>it from a different ROOT - routing delegated to apache - and still
>have the instiki writing pages under my rails based website ROOT.
>i am pretty sure that there is something better than that. any suggestion?
>main problem: instiki has a pretty crowded application.rb:
>i think it is not a brilliant idea to mix it with my site one.
>how would you keep the separation between the two?
>thanks for your attention!
>mauro cicio
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