Although the snapshot and command log files do provide backup, you
should always have an off-site backup if you want true recovery
protection. The corruption people have discussed generally affects the
last snapshot or command log, so you could roll back to the snapshot
before then. I view it as an inconvenience more than a big problem
given how rarely it happens and that version 10.2 protects the Wiki as
a whole from malformed pages causing markup errors. However, I and a
couple of others have seen a problem where snapshots do not get taken
regularly, although I do not know to what degree if at all this happens
to others.
Bottom line: If you have Wikis you really want to protect, you should
verify that snapshots get created regularly, backup the command log and
a few of the most recent snapshots regulary, then keep that backup
Oh, and do a full recovery test to make sure you actually have the
backup you think you have.
On Aug 4, 2005, at 6:47 PM, Steve Downey wrote:
I have been successful in getting several projects of mine to use
Instiki as our collaboration tool.
After reading the posts from May about the storage corruption, I am a
little concerned. Has this problem been resolved? Was it ever a big
I am backing up the storage directory, but I wonder if I am being silly
backing up all the snapshot files (which are really a series of backups
in their on right, correct?)
Any guidance appreciated.
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