Hi all, I''ve written some script to help people poke around in the Madeleine storage. It will be included in the 0.10.2 release, but it works with any earlier 0.10 version (including the current Instiki trunk, of course). You can get it at http://svn.instiki.org/instiki/trunk/script/debug_storage and copy to your instiki/script directory. Two caveats: 1. You MUST be a reasonably good Ruby programmer to use it successfully for anything non-trivial. 2. It''s very easy to screw up something by poking in the storage internals. If you do, please undo your changes by deleting the most recent snapshot(s) and don''t ask for help. Usage example: E:\eclipse\workspace\instiki\script>irb irb(main):001:0> load ''debug_storage'' Enter path to storage [E:/eclipse/workspace/instiki/storage/2500]: Loading storage from the default storage path (E:/eclipse/workspace/instiki/storage/2500) Instiki storage from E:/eclipse/workspace/instiki/storage/2500 is loaded. Access it a global variable $wiki. Happy poking! => true irb(main):003:0> $wiki.system => {"password"=>"foo"} irb(main):005:0> $wiki.system[''password''] = ''bar'' => "bar" irb(main):006:0> $wiki.webs.keys => ["wiki1", "wiki2"] irb(main):007:0> $wiki.webs[''wiki1''].password = ''the_password'' => "the_password" irb(main):008:0> WikiService::snapshot => [] Things that are possible: # cleaning old revisions $wiki.webs[''wiki''].pages[''HomePage''].revisions = $wiki.webs[''wiki''].pages[''HomePage''].revisions[-1..-1] # Changing contents of a revision $wiki.webs[''wiki''].pages[''HomePage''].revisions[-1] = ''new content'' # Checking that all pages can be rendered by the markup engine $wiki.webs[''wiki''].pages.each_pair do |name, page| page.revisions.each_with_index do |revision, i| begin revision.display_content rescue => puts "Error when rendering revision ##{i} of page #{name.inspect}:" puts e.message puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end end -- Best regards, Alexey Verkhovsky Ruby Forum: http://ruby-forum.org (moderator) RForum: http://rforum.andreas-s.net (co-author) Instiki: http://instiki.org (maintainer)