Hi Philipp,
Thanks of the reply. Apologies for the naive question. I guess I am a little
confused and need some advice.
I currently have version 2.4.4 installed via apt on Debian 10.
I start that by doing sudo service icecast2 start
I have also installed version 2.5 beta 3 via
<downloads.xiph.org/releases/icecast/icecast-2.5-beta3.tar.gz> and
compiled the software.
I start it by doing icecast -b -c /path/to/icecast.xml
If I want to run it in daemon mode, what is the way to do so?
> On 12 Aug 2022, at 22:06AEST, Philipp Schafft <phschafft at
de.loewenfelsen.net> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> On Fri, 2022-08-12 at 20:10 +1000, Damian wrote:
>> Perhaps it isn?t possible at this stage to run version 2.5 beta as a
>> service... Is this the case?
> No. And I'm honestly confused by you amusing something like that. The
> way Icecast 2.5.x is started has not changed at all since before 2.4.x.
> So... the way to run it as a service (and I think by that you mean as a
> daemon) is exactly the same as for 2.4.x.
> With best regards,
>>> On 10 Aug 2022, at 10:59AEST, Damian <db76 at riseup.net>
>>> Hi, I?d like to know what the recommended (best practice) way is
>>> for running version 2.5 beta 3 as a service. I imagine that simply
>>> swapping out the binary of the stable version with the binary of
>>> the beta version and running the daemon is not advised.
> The correct way is to /install/ it. Just like you would with 2.4.x.
> Swapping files is very likely to break things. Most users forget to
> swap *all* parts. And if you do swap all parts, how is that any
> different from uninstalling the old version and installing the new
> version? ;)
> With best regards,
> --
> Philipp Schafft (CEO/Gesch?ftsf?hrer)
> Telephon: +49.3535 490 17 92
> Website: loewenfelsen.net
> Follow us: linkedin.com/company/loewenfelsen
> L?wenfelsen UG (haftungsbeschr?nkt) Registration number:
> Bickinger Stra?e 21 HRB 12308 CB
> 04916 Herzberg (Elster) VATIN/USt-ID:
> Germany DE305133015
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