On 14 Oct 2021, at 14:49, Richard Bartholomew wrote:
> Hi,
> Basically, is this possible, please?
> I have a number of port numbers and mount points defined to cater for
> a live
> stream and a test environment.
> It appears that I can connect to Icecast and start streaming music to
> any of
> the opened ports provided I supply the correct mountpoint and password
> combination. This means that, however unlikely, a presenter could
> connect
> to our live server rather than our test one by accident!
> Therefore, can a mountpoint be bound to a specific port number to
> avoid this
> possibility, please?
No, this is not possible. Usually for such a setup I would recommend to
use two different instances of Icecast.
> Thanks for any help.
> Regards
> Richard Bartholomew
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