Am 12.03.2015 um 22:24 schrieb Dean Sauer:> Looking at the documentation for 2.4.1 in regards to master/relay which
> seems to outline what I want to do...
> Master = load balance/aribtrator for the relays where the sources connect.
> The questions:
> 1) Bandwidth - How does the master pass off things to the relays for the
> clients???
Icecast itself has no mechanism to do this yourself. You either have to
provide a dns-round-robin name with all the relays in it or implement a
load-balancer which distributes the clients according to the load of the
relays, geo-location or whatever.> Does the master when the clients connect tell them to go to
> relay1.domain.invalid:8000/feed
> OR
> The master sucks in the relays, thus incurring bandwidth inbound for the
> relays and outbound for the clients to connect>
The master will happily serve all clients which connect.>
> 2) <on-disconnect> and <fallback> Mounts
> Scripts for on-disconnect should run on the RELAY that the source
> connects to, correct? Since it really never connects to the master for it
> to notice it has dropped..
> Thus.. any fallback mounts should also be on the relay server the source
> connects with, correct?
Never worked with these, sorry.> 3) SSL v. Non SSL
> While darkice doesn't natively support SSL, yet, and adding stunnel to
> layer this may be an option till then but..
> So we set up IceCast to listen on 8443 for SSL, 8000 for non SSL..
> Now since 99.9999% of the clients are NON SSL.. IF the feed is sent in SSL
> does IceCast translate it to NON SSL on 8000 ?? Or there has to be a SSL
> feed and an non SSL feed???
Icecast sends the stream over all configured ports, no need to have
separete SSL/non-SSL mounts.
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