hello all, I?m not sure if I could discuss this here in this mailing list, but
it has to do with ezstream with ice cast. so, I do have ezstream set to read
from a config file which reads from a .m3u play list that I have setup for my
automation. Now, here?s a question. what if I wanted to add more songs to the
play list and when I do that, I would like to have the songs to be added to the
play list during in the middle of the reading of the play list? not when it
loops again and re reads it. How would I go about doing this? and what would be
the best way? I don?t have to reload and have it kill the automation process of
the stream at all. I would like it to have it seamlessly add the songs to the
playlist and read from the point in the play list. Thanks. all.