2009/12/20 Thomas B. Ruecker <dm8tbr at
afthd.tu-darmstadt.de>:> Nelutu Cimpoier schrieb:
>> va ?salut ?sunt ?nelutu ?asi vrea ?un ?cont ?pentru ?straamint ?pe
>> net ?pentru radio ?cu icecast ? astept ?raspuns ?va multumesc
>> ...:::by-nelutu:::...
> try again in english please
He's writing in Romanian. A Google translate reveals this:
# greet are nelutu SIA wants an account for the net radio straamint
wait reply thank Icecast
Looks like he wants an account for streaming. Here's some sort of
reply via Google:
Nu exist? conturi disponibile aici pentru streaming. Trebuie s?
construim un server. v? rug?m s? folosi?i limba englez?, pe aceast?
I have attempted to say this in Romanian (via machine translation):
There are no accounts available here for streaming. You must build a
server. Please use English on this list.