Hello everybody, I'm in the process of shopping for machines to serve as customer-facing servers for the internet radio project I mentioned a few weeks ago - I have a few questions: Best I can determine, icecast performance isn't really CPU bound, but is more limited by total bandwidth available. Let's say that I went with gig-e network interfaces - is it possible to put multiple interfaces in one machine and have icecast stream audio to incoming requests on all of them? How many listeners do you think one can get onto a gigabit ethernet interface (considering protocol overhead, of course). Are there any limits in the code that could cause problems if one had multiple gigabit ethernet cards in one machine? Thanks for your help! -- Michael Hale <giftculture@gmail.com> gift culture http://www.gift-culture.org init string http://www.initstring.org amm http://www.artificialmusicmachine.com