I am sorry, I don't understand.
Karl Heyes napsal(a):> On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 14:18, Karel Du?ek wrote:
>>Is possible YP listing in
>>from Icecast2.2 with source Ices2?
Im error.log of icecast2 I have
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] DBUG yp/yp_recheck_config Updating YP configuration
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] INFO yp/yp_recheck_config Adding new YP server
"http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi" (timeout 150s, default interval
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] INFO yp/yp_recheck_config Adding new YP server
"http://www.oddsock.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi" (timeout 150s, default
interval 30s)
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] INFO fserve/fserv_thread_function file serving
thread started
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] INFO yp/yp_update_thread YP update thread started
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] DBUG yp/check_servers Add pending yps
[2005-06-05 15:33:20] DBUG yp/check_servers Add pending yps
It's OK?
> yes, set YP to 1 in ices2
What set? Sorry :))
> and configure icecast xml to list the 2
> servers above (assuming you have built icecast with YP support)
> karl
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