On Sunday, 17 April 2005 at 20:59, bedlam wrote:> src/stream.c declares two vars
> static int16_t left[INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45];
> static int16_t right[INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45];
> I found some mp3 that return more than INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45 samples and
> cause ices to coredump, exept if a test is made on stream.c:{209,
> 211}.
> stream.c:209:
> if (decode)
> if ((samples = ices_reencode_decode (ibuf, len, sizeof (left),
> left, right)) > INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45) {
> len = sample = INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45;
> }
> stream.c:211:
> if ((len = samples = source->readpcm (source, sizeof (left), left,
> right)) > INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45) {
> len = sample = INPUT_BUFSIZ * 45;
> }
Interesting, I guess my math must have been faulty. What are the specs
(sample rate, bit rate, etc - whatever ices0 says about it in verbose
mode) of this mp3? I'd rather have the correct upper bound than clip