I'm trying to setup a couple streams, each at a different bit rate. I was going for 128 and 64 kbit streams, but for some reason, when I tried 64, the stream wasn't reencoded at that bit rate - it was just left to whatever bit rate the mp3 was. So I tried a few others, and found that 112, 96, and 56 all worked. Is there any reason for this? Is it possibly a bug? I'm using icecast 1.3.12, and ices 0.2.3. Thanks. --- >8 ---- List archives: http://www.xiph.org/archives/ icecast project homepage: http://www.icecast.org/ To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to 'icecast-request@xiph.org' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.